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Ürün Fiyat Miktar Toplam
Cell Voltage Monitor 96 $4.696,00
Horizon 2000W PEM Fuel Cell $10.912,00
Cell Voltage Monitor 48 $2.995,00
Horizon 100W PEM Fuel Cell $1.917,00
Fuel Cell Stack 10 $578,00
Horizon 200W PEM Fuel Cell $2.623,00
Fuel Cell Stack 3 $220,00
Horizon 3000W PEM Fuel Cell $14.744,00
Horizon 300W PEM Fuel Cell $3.252,00
Fuel Cell Monitor Pro 4.0 $990,00
Horizon 1000W PEM Fuel Cell $5.473,00
Protium-150 $6.244,00
Horizon 500W PEM Fuel Cell $3.761,00
Protium-25 $2.147,00
Horizon 20W PEM Fuel Cell $693,00

Cart totals

Subtotal $123.621,00

Shipping to Ankara.

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Diğer (Gümrük Vergileri, Gümrük İşlemleri ve Antrepo vb.) $35.863,28
KDV $24.733,29
Total $184.263,04
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